Defining archetype buildings
This section aims to go over the key components of the Input data reference and explain how these components are used to define the archetype building lumped-capacitance thermal models. The explanations remain at a pretty high level, but links to the appropriate sections of the Input data reference and Library sections are provided for readers interested in the technical details.
The building_archetype
The single most important object class in the definitions, as each building_archetype object essentially represents a single synthetic average archetype building lumped-capacitance thermal model to be created. In the end, the rest of the object classes used for defining different aspects of the archetype buildings are each connected to a building_archetype using the appropriate relationship classes:
- building_archetype__building_scope: Defines one building_scope for the building_archetype. Determines the geographical and statistical scope, e.g. the number, gross-floor area, and structural properties of the archetype based on aggregating the underlying building stock statistics.
- building_archetype__building_fabrics: Defines one building_fabrics for the building_archetype. Determines how the different types of structures and the indoor air and furniture are aggregated into a lumped-capacitance thermal model depicting the archetype.
- building_archetype__building_systems: Defines one building_systems for the building_archetype. Determines the HVAC system of the archetype.
- building_archetype__building_loads: Defines one building_loads for the building_archetype. Determines the internal loads and domestic hot water demand for the archetype.
- building_archetype__building_weather: Defines which building_weather to use for the building_archetype. If left undefined, the sub-module will be used to try and automatically fetch and process weather data based on the building_scope and other parameters.
- building_archetype__system_link_node: Allows customizable definition of nodes intended to be used as the connection points between the lumped-capacitance thermal models and the overarching large-scale energy system models.
The building_archetype objects also houses most of the parameters defining assumptions regarding the archetype and how it's modelled. The only mandatory parameters are the weather_start and weather_end, which are required for automatic weather data processing using, while the rest of the parameters have set default values that kick in if not specified by the user. For example, the assumed shape of the building envelope can be tweaked using e.g. building_frame_depth_m, number_of_storeys, room_height_m, and window_area_to_external_wall_ratio_m2_m2. Similarly, some assumptions related to the modelling can be tweaked here, e.g. effective_thermal_capacity_of_interior_air_and_furniture_J_m2K, external_shading_coefficient, or internal_heat_gain_convective_fraction. See the Object parameters section for a comprehensive list of all the possible parameters for the building_archetype.
Ultimately, each building_archetype is processed into an ArchetypeBuilding
by the main program described by the Overview of the workflow section.
The building_scope
Arguably the second-most important object class in the definiton, as each building_scope object describes how to aggregate the underlying building stock statistics to calculate the properties of a synthetic average archetype building. Essentially, the building_scope object tells which building_stock data to use, and which building_types, heat_sources, and location_ids to include, and from what period of time. Similar to how The building_archetype
definition works, the building_scope is also defined largely by connecting the desired pieces to it using the appropriate relationship classes:
- building_archetype__building_scope: Defines one building_scope for the building_archetype. Determines the geographical and statistical scope, e.g. the number, gross-floor area, and structural properties of the archetype based on aggregating the underlying building stock statistics.
- building_scope__building_stock: Defines which building_stock data to use, and with what weights. Allows e.g. pseudo-interpolating data for years between recorded building_stock years.
- building_scope__building_type: Defines which building_types to include and are represented by the building_scope, with user-defined weights if desired.
- building_scope__heat_source: Defines which heat_sources to include and are represented by the building_scope, with user-defined weights if desired.
- building_scope__location_id: Defines which location_ids to include and are represented by the building_scope, with user-defined weights if desired.
Unlike the rest of the geographical and statistical scope definitions, the temporal aggregation is handled via parameters instead of relationships. This is done to facilitate selection of the desired time periods without having to look into the underlying data to know of the exact time periods used in the statistical data. Similarly, the years for the ventilation and structural properties rarely match the time periods for the building stock statistics, and can be sampled as easily using parameters instead. For this purpose, the building_scope has the two mandatory parameters:
- scope_period_start_year: The first year included in the building_scope.
- scope_period_end_year: The last year included in the building_scope.
Ultimately, each building_scope is processed into a ScopeData
by the main program described by the Overview of the workflow section.
The building_fabrics
The building_fabrics objects are used to define how the building_archetype envelope, interior structures, and interior air and furniture are modelled. Essentially, it defines the temperature nodes of the structural components of the building for the lumped-capacitance thermal model of the archetype. Different building_fabrics are relatively lightweight to define, but they rely heavily on The building_node
definitions, which are discussed in the following subsection. Regardless, building_fabrics are simply collections of building_node using the following relationship classes:
- building_archetype__building_fabrics: Defines one building_fabrics for the building_archetype. Determines how the different types of structures and the indoor air and furniture are aggregated into a lumped-capacitance thermal model depicting the archetype.
- building_fabrics__building_node: Defines the building_nodes constituting this building_fabrics.
The building_fabrics definitions help form the EnvelopeData
during the data processing by the main program, described by the Overview of the workflow section.
The building_node
The building_node objects are used to define the temperature nodes for the lumped-capacitance thermal models, whether they be a part of the building_fabrics, e.g. building envelope structures, or the building_systems, e.g. a domestic hot water storage tank. Due to their rather abstract nature, building_nodes have quite a few different ways they can be defined, depending on the desired purpose. Regardless, the principles remain similar to above, and most of the building_node definitions are handled via the following relationship classes:
- building_archetype__system_link_node: Designates whether the building_node is a special system link node, meaning that it is used as the connection point between the generated lumped-capacitance thermal model and the overarching large-scale energy models. Note that only the @system_link_node_1 etc. should ever be used for this relationship class.
- building_fabrics__building_node: Defines the building_nodes constituting the building_fabrics.
- building_node__building_node: Allows user-defined custom heat transfer coefficients between building_nodes. Should only be necessary for more advanced use-cases.
- building_node__structure_type: Defines which structure_types (if any) are included on this building_node, affecting its effective thermal mass and heat transfer coefficients between the interior and exterior of the archetype. User-defined structure_type_weights can be provided to tweak the model further, but shouldn't be necessary for basic use-cases.
- building_process__direction__building_node: Defines how building_processes interact with the building_nodes, and houses their maximum power flow parameters.
- building_systems__building_node: Defines the building_nodes included in the building_systems.
The building_node object class also contains a few important parameters. A comperehensive list can be found in the Object parameters section, but the most important ones are:
- domestic_hot_water_demand_weight: Defines the share of the total domestic hot water demand attributed to this building_node. Typically set to either zero or one, but e.g. if the DHW tank is modelled using several nodes, tweaking the value might be necessary.
- interior_air_and_furniture_weight: Defines the share of the total interior air and furniture attributed to this building_node, affecting its effective thermal mass, heat transfer coefficients due to ventilation/infiltration and windows, etc. Typically set to either zero or one, but if multi-zone modelling is attempted (not recommended), tweaking the value might be necessary.
- maximum_permitted_temperature_K and minimum_permitted_temperature_K are used to set the temperature limits for the node.
Ultimately, each building_node is processed into a BuildingNodeData
(and an AbstractNode
for energy system model export) by the main program described by the Overview of the workflow section.
The building_systems
The building_systems objects are used to define different heating/cooling systems for the archetype buildings. They are similar to building_fabrics in the sense that they rely heavily on more detailed definitions for building_nodes and building_processs via these relationship classes:
- building_archetype__building_systems: Defines one building_systems for the building_archetype. Determines the HVAC system of the archetype.
- building_systems__building_node: Defines building_nodes parts of this building_systems, e.g. a domestic hot water storage tank.
- building_systems__building_process: Defines building_processs parts of this building_systems, e.g. a direct electric resistance heater or a heat pump.
The building_node
definition is already explained in the sections above, but building_processes are extremely important for building_systemss.
The building_process
The building_process objects are used to define energy transfer/transformation processes in the building_systems, e.g. direct electric resistance heaters or heat pumps. The important relationship classes for the definitions are:
- building_process__direction__building_node: Defines how building_processes interact with the building_nodes, and houses their maximum power flow parameters.
- building_systems__building_process: Defines building_processs parts of this building_systems.
The building_process object class also contains a few important parameters, mostly due to the potential complexity of different heat pump systems. A comperehensive list can be found in the Object parameters section, but the most important ones are:
- coefficient_of_performance_base: The base COP of the process.
- coefficient_of_performance_mode: Wherther the [building_process] is used for
See the ArchetypeBuildingModel.calculate_cop
function for more details on how weather-dependent COPs are modelled.
Ultimately, each building_process is processed into a BuildingProcessData
for the energy sysem model export) by the main program described by the Overview of the workflow section.
The building_loads
The building_loads objects are used to define the internal heat loads and domestic hot water demand for a building_archetype. The only relationship class necessary is the:
- `building_archetype__building_loads: Defines one building_loads for the building_archetype.
For building_loads, all the important information is contained in the Object parameters:
- domestic_hot_water_demand_base_W: Fixed DHW demand data.
- domestic_hot_water_demand_gfa_scaling_W_m2: Gross-floor area scaling DHW demand data.
- internal_heat_loads_base_W: Fixed internal heat gains data.
- internal_heat_loads_gfa_scaling_W_m2: Gross-floor area scaling internal heat gains data.
Ultimately, each building_loads is processed into a LoadsData
by the main program described by the Overview of the workflow section.
The building_weather
The building_weather objects are used for defining weather data for a building_archetype. Of all the definitions described in this section, it is the only non-required one. In case the relationship:
- building_archetype__building_weather: Defines which building_weather to use for the building_archetype.
is left undefined, the sub-module will be used in an attempt to automatically fetch and process the weather data necessary for creating the archetype lumped-capacitance thermal model.
In case the user wants to specify the weather data exactly, the following Object parameters are required:
- ambient_temperature_K: The ambient temperature in [K].
- diffuse_solar_irradiation_W_m2: The diffuse horisontal irradiation in [W/m2].
- direct_solar_irradiation_W_m2: A
specifying the direct irradiation for vertical surfaces facing in all four cardinal directions in [W/m2].