Input data reference

This section contains automatically generated descriptions of the Spine Datastore structure used for the archetype definitions and building stock input data, based on the archetype_definitions.json file. If you are not familiar with Spine Datastores, see the Spine Toolbox documentation.


Object classes


Represents a portion of the building stock, aggregated based on the related elements. Results in a lumped-capacitance thermal model of the defined archetype building.


Represents the building fabrics like walls, floors, ceilings, interior air, etc., as well as how they are represented as a network of lumped-capacitance nodes.


Contains information about the internal heat loads and demands of buildings.


Represents individual lumped-capacitances for building fabrics, as well as for building technical systems.


Represents a period of time between a start year and an end year for the statistical data.


Represents energy conversion and transfer processes between lumped-capacitances in the building technical systems.


Defines aggregation for the building stock over time, geographical location, building type, and heat source.


Represents a particular building stock dataset.


Represents building technical systems via processes and lumped-capacitance nodes.


Classification for different types of buildings.


Represents weather for the archetype buildings.


Direction of process commodity flows, either into or from nodes.


Classification for primary energy sources for heating/cooling systems.


Geographical location identifier.


Classification for different building envelope structures.

Object parameters


Assumed average difference between external air temperatures and sky temperatures [K], default value based on EN ISO 52016-1:2017 Table B.19.

Object class: building_archetype

Default value: 11

Value list: nothing


Assumed average solar absorption coefficient for external opaque surfaces, default based on EN ISO 52016-1:2017 Table B.14.

Object class: building_archetype

Default value: 0.6

Value list: nothing


Assumed average depth of the building. Default value based on an industry rule-of-thumb regarding natural light conditions (Rakenteellinen energiatehokkuus - Opas, 2015).

Object class: building_archetype

Default value: 10.4

Value list: nothing


Assumed effective thermal capacity [J/m2K gross-floor area] of interior air and furniture. Default value based on SFS-EN ISO 52016-1:2017 Table B.17.

Object class: building_archetype

Default value: 10000.0

Value list: nothing


A coefficient that can be used to tweak the overall energy efficiency of the archetype building. Essentially multiplies all heat transfer coefficients related to ambient heat losses, as well as self-discharge coefficients. Default value of 1, zero would remove all losses.

Object class: building_archetype

Default value: 1.0

Value list: nothing


Assumed external radiative surface heat transfer coefficient [W/m2K], default value based on EN ISO 13789:2017 Table 8.

Object class: building_archetype

Default value: 4.14

Value list: nothing


Assumed average external shading coefficient, effectively a factor for the amount of direct solar radiation reaching the windows. Default value based Final report - Average EU building heat load for HVAC equipment, Delft, 2014.

Object class: building_archetype

Default value: 0.65

Value list: nothing


Assumed average fraction of external walls that are load-bearing. Default value guesstimated.

Object class: building_archetype

Default value: 0.5

Value list: nothing


Option for overriding nodal maximum indoor air temperature on an archetype level in K.

Object class: building_archetype

Default value: nothing

Value list: nothing


Option for overriding nodal minimum indoor air temperature on an archetype level in K.

Object class: building_archetype

Default value: nothing

Value list: nothing


Assumed fraction of convective over radiative internal heat gains. Convective heat gains are applied directly to the interior air and furniture, while radiative heat gains are applied to surrounding structures. Default value based on SFS-EN ISO 52016-1:2017 Table B.11.

Object class: building_archetype

Default value: 0.4

Value list: nothing


Assumed average number of storeys.

Object class: building_archetype

Default value: 2.0

Value list: nothing


Assumed average length ratio of internal partition walls compared to the external walls [m/m].

Object class: building_archetype

Default value: 0.5

Value list: nothing


Assumed average fraction of internal partition walls that are load-bearing.

Object class: building_archetype

Default value: 0.5

Value list: nothing


Assumed average room height in metres.

Object class: building_archetype

Default value: 2.5

Value list: nothing


Assumed fraction of convective over radiative solar heat gains. Convective heat gains are applied directly to the interior air and furniture, while radiative heat gains are applied to surrounding structures. Default value based on IDA ESBO calibrations.

Object class: building_archetype

Default value: 0.6

Value list: nothing


Isobaric volumetric heat capacity of air at approximately room temperature ~20C. Default value based on Wikipedia.

Object class: building_archetype

Default value: 1210.0

Value list: nothing


The time for the end of the weather period, as a yyyy-mm-dd string. Month and day can be skipped.

Object class: building_archetype

Default value: nothing

Value list: nothing


The time for the beginning of the weather period, as a yyyy-mm-dd string. Month and day can be skipped.

Object class: building_archetype

Default value: nothing

Value list: nothing


Assumed distribution of window area towards the cardinal directions. By default, window area is assumed to be distributed equally towards all cardinal directions.

Object class: building_archetype

Default value: Dict{String, Any}("data" => Any[Any["horizontal", 0.0], Any["north", 0.25], Any["east", 0.25], Any["south", 0.25], Any["west", 0.25]], "type" => "map", "index_name" => "cardinal_direction", "index_type" => "str")

Value list: nothing


A factor for estimating the linear thermal bridges from fenestration, essentially an addition to the fenestration U-value. Default value based on EN ISO 13789:2017 Table B.6.

Object class: building_archetype

Default value: 0.1

Value list: nothing


Assumed average ratio between external wall surface area and the surface area of windows [m2/m2]. Default value loosely based on Final report --- Average EU building heat load for HVAC equipment (2014) and RAKENTEELLINEN ENERGIATEHOKKUUS --- OPAS (2015).

Object class: building_archetype

Default value: 0.1

Value list: nothing


A correction factor for estimating the total solar energy transmittance of windows from the normal solar energy transmittance. Default value based on SFS-EN ISO 52016-1:2017 Table B.43.

Object class: building_archetype

Default value: 0.9

Value list: nothing


Base component of total domestic hot water demand [W].

Object class: building_loads

Default value: 0.0

Value list: nothing


Gross-floor-area-scaling component of total domestic hot water demand [W/m2 gross-floor area].

Object class: building_loads

Default value: 0.0

Value list: nothing


Base component of total internal heat loads [W].

Object class: building_loads

Default value: 0.0

Value list: nothing


Gross-floor-area-scaling component of total internal heat loads [W/m2 gross-floor area].

Object class: building_loads

Default value: 0.0

Value list: nothing


Weight for how much of the domestic hot water demand is allocated for this node.

Object class: building_node

Default value: 0.0

Value list: nothing


Define the base component of total effective thermal mass of the node by hand [J/K].

Object class: building_node

Default value: 0.0

Value list: nothing


Define the gross-floor-area-scaling component of total effective thermal mass of the node by hand [J/m2K]

Object class: building_node

Default value: 0.0

Value list: nothing


Weight for how much of the interior air and furniture is included in this node.

Object class: building_node

Default value: 0.0

Value list: nothing


Maximum allowed temperature for the node [K].

Object class: building_node

Default value: 400.0

Value list: nothing


Minimum allowed temperature for the node [K].

Object class: building_node

Default value: 200.0

Value list: nothing


Define the base component of total self-discharge rate of the node [W/K], where energy is lost outside the model scope.

Object class: building_node

Default value: 0.0

Value list: nothing


Define the gross-floor-area-scaling component of total self-discharge rate of the node [W/m2K], where energy is lost outside the model scope.

Object class: building_node

Default value: 0.0

Value list: nothing



Object class: building_period

Default value: nothing

Value list: nothing



Object class: building_period

Default value: nothing

Value list: nothing


The base coefficient of performance for the building_process. For temperature-dependent COPs, this parameter needs to be the COP at known reference temperatures, divided by the Carnot COP at those same temperatures.

Object class: building_process

Default value: 1.0

Value list: nothing


The minimum assumed temperature raise/decrease in the heat pump process, limiting the maximum Carnot COP of the process. This parameter matters only if source and sink temperatures are defined.

Object class: building_process

Default value: 5.0

Value list: nothing


The mode of the heat pump process, affecting how the source and sink temperatures are interpreted. Set to cooling for heat pumpts used for cooling.

Object class: building_process

Default value: heating

Value list: COP_modes


The sink temperature for the heat pump process, defined as a Map. Use ambient and ground for weather dependent temperature_K, while the rest of the properties can be used to tweak the assumed heating curve.

Object class: building_process

Default value: Dict{String, Any}("data" => Any[Any["temperature_K", nothing], Any["heating_curve_control_temperature_min_K", nothing], Any["heating_curve_control_temperature_max_K", nothing], Any["heating_curve_output_temperature_min_K", nothing], Any["heating_curve_output_temperature_max_K", nothing]], "type" => "map", "index_name" => "property", "index_type" => "str")

Value list: nothing


The source temperature for the heat pump process, defined as a Map. Use ambient and ground for weather dependent temperature_K, while the rest of the properties can be used to tweak the assumed heating curve.

Object class: building_process

Default value: Dict{String, Any}("data" => Any[Any["temperature_K", nothing], Any["heating_curve_control_temperature_min_K", nothing], Any["heating_curve_control_temperature_max_K", nothing], Any["heating_curve_output_temperature_min_K", nothing], Any["heating_curve_output_temperature_max_K", nothing]], "type" => "map", "index_name" => "property", "index_type" => "str")

Value list: nothing


Last year [y] of the construction time period to be included in the statistical scope.

Object class: building_scope

Default value: nothing

Value list: nothing


First year [y] of the construction time period to be included in the statistical scope.

Object class: building_scope

Default value: nothing

Value list: nothing


The year this building_stock is supposed to represent, like a snapshot of the building stock during this year.

Object class: building_stock

Default value: nothing

Value list: nothing


An optional filepath to a geographical raster data file containing weighting information for the weather data, e.g. population density or the like.

Object class: building_stock

Default value: nothing

Value list: nothing


The filepath to a shapefile containing the geographical information about the building stock. Required for weather data processing.

Object class: building_stock

Default value: nothing

Value list: nothing


Ambient air temperature [K].

Object class: building_weather

Default value: nothing

Value list: nothing


Diffuse solar irradiation [W/m2].

Object class: building_weather

Default value: nothing

Value list: nothing


Direct solar irradiation on walls facing towards the cardinal directions [W/m2].

Object class: building_weather

Default value: Dict{String, Any}("data" => Any[Any["horizontal", 0.0], Any["north", 0.0], Any["east", 0.0], Any["south", 0.0], Any["west", 0.0]], "type" => "map", "index_name" => "cardinal_direction", "index_type" => "str")

Value list: nothing


Name of the location corresponding to the identifier, e.g. the name of the municipality, region, country, etc.

Object class: location_id

Default value: nothing

Value list: nothing


Exterior surface thermal resistance of a structure [m2K/W].

Object class: structure_type

Default value: nothing

Value list: nothing


Interior surface thermal resistance of a structure [m2K/W].

Object class: structure_type

Default value: nothing

Value list: nothing


A boolean flag for whether a structure type is internal, meaning inside the building envelope and not directly in contact with ambient conditions.

Object class: structure_type

Default value: nothing

Value list: nothing


A boolean flag for whether a structure type is load-bearing, meaning it is designed to bear the weight of structures on top of it.

Object class: structure_type

Default value: true

Value list: nothing


Linear thermal bridges for the structure type [W/mK] caused by seams between structures.

Object class: structure_type

Default value: nothing

Value list: nothing


Generic notes about the different structure types.

Object class: structure_type

Default value: nothing

Value list: nothing


Reserved special node intended to be used to link the archetype building systems to the desired connection point in the overarching energy system model, defined using the building_archetype__system_link_node relationship class.

Object class: building_node

Reserved special node intended to be used to link the archetype building systems to the desired connection point in the overarching energy system model, defined using the building_archetype__system_link_node relationship class.

Object class: building_node

Reserved special node intended to be used to link the archetype building systems to the desired connection point in the overarching energy system model, defined using the building_archetype__system_link_node relationship class.

Object class: building_node


Direction of energy flow from a node into a process.

Object class: direction


Direction of energy flow from a process and into a node.

Object class: direction


The base floor of the building, in contact with either the ground or some form of ventilated crawlspace.

Object class: structure_type


Potentially load-bearing envelope walls of the building, in direct contact with ambient air.

Object class: structure_type


Non-load-bearing envelope walls of the building, in direct contact with ambient air.

Object class: structure_type


Non-load-bearing walls within the building envelope, not in contact with ambient conditions.

Object class: structure_type


Potentially load-bearing walls within the building envelope, not in contact with ambient conditions.

Object class: structure_type


Roof of the building envelope, in contact with ambient air.

Object class: structure_type


Floors dividing storeys within the building envelope, not in contact with ambient conditions.

Object class: structure_type

Relationship classes


Defines which building fabric representation is used for the chosen archetype building.

Object classes: buildingarchetype, and buildingfabrics


Defines the internal heat loads for the archetype building.

Object classes: buildingarchetype, and buildingloads


Defines the statistical scope of the archetype building.

Object classes: buildingarchetype, and buildingscope


Defines the heating/cooling systems used by the archetype building.

Object classes: buildingarchetype, and buildingsystems


Defines the weather for the archetype building.

Object classes: buildingarchetype, and buildingweather

Defines how the archetype building is connected to overarching models using the reserved @system_link_nodes.

Object classes: buildingarchetype, and buildingnode


Defines which nodes make up the representation of the building fabrics.

Object classes: buildingfabrics, and buildingnode


Allows configuring heat transfer coefficients between building nodes by hand. Useful for e.g. heating/cooling system definitions.

Object classes: buildingnode, and buildingnode


Defines which structures are included in which nodes, as well as their weights within those nodes.

Object classes: buildingnode, and structuretype


Defines how processes interact with building nodes, as well as sets process-flow specific technical parameters.

Object classes: buildingprocess, direction, and buildingnode


Defines which building_stock datasets are used in the statistical scope, as well as their weights.

Object classes: buildingscope, and buildingstock


Defines the building types included in the statistical scope, as well as their weights.

Object classes: buildingscope, and buildingtype


Defines the heat sources included in the statistical scope, as well as their weights.

Object classes: buildingscope, and heatsource


Defines the geographical locations included in a statistical scope, as well as their weights.

Object classes: buildingscope, and locationid


Contains the statistical data about the composition of the building stock.

Object classes: buildingstock, buildingtype, buildingperiod, locationid, and heat_source


Defines which lumped-capacitance nodes are included in the building systems.

Object classes: buildingsystems, and buildingnode


Defines which processes are included in the building systems.

Object classes: buildingsystems, and buildingprocess


Contains statistics about the properties of different structure types.

Object classes: buildingtype, buildingperiod, locationid, and structuretype


Contains statistics about thje properties of fenestration and ventilation.

Object classes: buildingtype, buildingperiod, and location_id

Relationship parameters


Name of the Backbone grid this @system_link_node is included in.

Relationship class: building_archetype__system_link_node

Default value: nothing

Value list: nothing


Name of the node this @system_link_node is representing in the overarching large-scale energy system model.

Relationship class: building_archetype__system_link_node

Default value: nothing

Value list: nothing


Set the base heat transfer coefficient between two nodes [W/K] by hand.

Relationship class: building_node__building_node

Default value: 0.0

Value list: nothing


Set the gross-floor-area-scaling heat transfer coefficient between two nodes [W/m2K] by hand.

Relationship class: building_node__building_node

Default value: 0.0

Value list: nothing


Weight or share of the structure type to be included in this node.

Relationship class: building_node__structure_type

Default value: 1.0

Value list: nothing


Maximum base power of the process flow [W].

Relationship class: building_process__direction__building_node

Default value: 0.0

Value list: nothing


Gross-floor-area-scaling maximum power of a process flow [W/m2].

Relationship class: building_process__direction__building_node

Default value: 0.0

Value list: nothing


Weight for sampling the building_stock within the building_scope.

Relationship class: building_scope__building_stock

Default value: 1.0

Value list: nothing


Weight for sampling the building_type within the building_scope.

Relationship class: building_scope__building_type

Default value: 1.0

Value list: nothing


Weight for sampling the heat_source within the building_scope.

Relationship class: building_scope__heat_source

Default value: 1.0

Value list: nothing


Weight for sampling the location_id within the building_scope.

Relationship class: building_scope__location_id

Default value: 1.0

Value list: nothing


Statistical average gross-floor-area per building [m2].

Relationship class: building_stock_statistics

Default value: nothing

Value list: nothing


Statistical number of buildings.

Relationship class: building_stock_statistics

Default value: nothing

Value list: nothing


Mean original design U-value [W/m2K] of the structures corresponding to the statistics.

Relationship class: structure_statistics

Default value: nothing

Value list: nothing


Mean calculated effective thermal mass [J/m2K] of the structures corresponding to the statistics, per area of the structure.

Relationship class: structure_statistics

Default value: nothing

Value list: nothing


Mean calculated U-value [W/m2K] from the structure into the ambient air.

Relationship class: structure_statistics

Default value: 0.0

Value list: nothing


Mean calculated effective U-value [W/m2K] from the structure into the ground, according to KissockK2013.

Relationship class: structure_statistics

Default value: 0.0

Value list: nothing


Mean calculated U-value [W/m2K] from the structure into the interior air.

Relationship class: structure_statistics

Default value: nothing

Value list: nothing


Mean linear thermal bridges [W/mK] of the seams between structures.

Relationship class: structure_statistics

Default value: nothing

Value list: nothing


Mean total effective U-value [W/m2K] of the structure, from the interior air into the ambient air/ground.

Relationship class: structure_statistics

Default value: nothing

Value list: nothing


Mean heat-recovery efficiency of ventilation heat-recovery units corresponding to the statistics.

Relationship class: ventilation_and_fenestration_statistics

Default value: nothing

Value list: nothing


Mean infiltration air change rate [1/h] corresponding to the statistics.

Relationship class: ventilation_and_fenestration_statistics

Default value: nothing

Value list: nothing


Mean total normal solar energy transmittance of windows corresponding to the statistics, already including the effect of the frame-area fraction.

Relationship class: ventilation_and_fenestration_statistics

Default value: nothing

Value list: nothing


Mean ventilation air change rate [1/h] corresponding to the statistics.

Relationship class: ventilation_and_fenestration_statistics

Default value: nothing

Value list: nothing


Mean window U-value [W/m2K] corresponding to the statistics.

Relationship class: ventilation_and_fenestration_statistics

Default value: nothing

Value list: nothing